Many of us are scared to get up and talk in public for the fear of being talked down on or shunned even when we have accurate knowledge of the issue being discussed.
Low self-esteem and lack of self-belief are the main factors that come to play here. Immediately a situation arises and there is the need for us to be fully involved on a small or large scale, we start ruminating about how we can't fit into the discussion. Click to read on.

We start to pin-point our pre-conceived character flaw and we start thinking of how we are not good enough for the moment.
No lies, some people’s mission is to deny us of our rights to express ourselves. These kinds of people make us bitter and it becomes quite unfortunate when we can’t seem to connect the dots; making us look dumb and stupid.
This particular situation basically has us second-guessing ourselves and we start building an imaginary wall that keeps us away from making inputs.
Our brains become literally stone-dead and we don’t even obey our natural instincts anymore because in every situation, there is the instinctive tempo our minds and brains connect and ride on.
We only do better in front of the mirror and try to fight our battles when no one is involved which literally mean fighting ourselves.
These factors show that we might be victims of gas-lighting. We don't seem to be confident enough to open up on matters that we soon start developing allergies to making positive inputs.
It is very cool and natural to have character flaws yeah, but when it centers on having a negative effect on our existence and inter-relation among fellow humans, it clearly shows we have a lot to work on.
What are you going to do?
Your thought and actions at any point in time should be real and synchronised to whatever the situation you find yourself. If there's a wall between you and your perceived reality, break it down and instead, build a bridge to make them connect.
You are going to be rubbing yourself a great deal if at the end of the day you don’t speak for yourself, hence the reason why you need to fix yourself up and always think of and speak blunt statements specifically tailored towards the matter folks are talking about at any given time.
Through this, your stand on matters will be often required and you will understand that there is more that you can do to influence your world than just sitting and letting others determine where your next ride will head to.
Instead of being told you can't fit in, speak up, be noble and make a huge difference in your environment and society at large. Do not allow anyone sway you from the reality that engulfs your mind when it comes to critical thinking. You can do better than wallowing in silence.


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